How long have you been waiting?

Home Forums COVID-19 How long have you been waiting?

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  • #309
    PWT Editor

    Please state below the date you applied so others can get some idea how long they expect to wait. Also, if you know, please state which agency is dealing with your application.


    We just applied for our babies passport this past Friday, September 11th. Fingers crossed it comes in for our trip scheduled Nov 19th!

    PWT Editor

    I hope it arrives for you with plenty of time to spare. It would be great if you could post here with the progress of the application.


    We applied for our baby’s passport July 31st and are still waiting as of September 21st.


    I received an email on 9/15/20 that my son’s passport was “In Process” so who knows how long that will take.


    I received an email on 9/15/20 that my son’s passport was “In Process” so who knows how long that will take.


    I received an email yesterday that his passport was approved and in the mail. Should have it next week! So took roughly a month to get it.


    Just wanted to come back and update that we called to expedite our baby’s passport application on September 28th & also paid for expedited shipping. It arrived September 30th!

    As mentioned earlier, we applied on July 31st.


    Just wanted to give everyone an update! We applied for our sons passport at the post office on September 11, 2020 and received his passport in the mail on October 10, 2020. Mexico here we come! Woohoo!


    We are doing several and are located near DC. An adult renewal, two minor renewals, and a new minor (toddler). All applications turned in at the post office Jan 11th, and Received/In Process on Jan 19th (the postal worker said something about they go up in bundles and we had just missed the one for that week). So far, all are still In Process. Weirdly, they send a status email out on Feb 4 to announce that they had gotten the applications Jan 19, seems a bit late for that.

    Our trip is early April (temporary work relocation), and the 10-12 week thing on the passport site has us spooked as 10 weeks would put passports in our hand the day before our flight. Good to know people have gotten them much faster and that expediting after the fact is both possible and so fast. I’ll report back with what happens, but we’re going to chicken out and expedite March 8th if we don’t have an update.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by CapinWinky.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by CapinWinky.

    Adult renewal approved and email notification received today, Feb 12 with ETA for book of Feb 20. That is 32 days from submittal to post office to approval notification; 24 day after the application showed as arrived and in-process. If it arrives the 20th, it would have been an even 40 days after post, 32 after in-process.

    No change on minor child renewal nor new baby 1st passport.


    I mailed my application January 2 at my local post office for a passport renewal. My check has not been cashed and the online passport system has no information about my application as of February 22.


    How long after the check to the state department cleared did you get approval? I sent my passport app expedited the 15th it got updated to in process on the 18th and the check to the state department cleared my account yesterday so hopefully not too much longer


    Didn’t realize my passport was expiring in June so sent out my adult expedited renewal on 5/11/21 overnighted. They received on 5/12/21 and went into process as of 5/15/21. I am leaving for Mexico on 6/10/21 and still haven’t gotten it back yet. Checked online and it’s still in process. I paid extra for the 1-2 priority return, so fingers crossed we get it in time for our trip!


    How long did it take before it was sent?

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